The days of flip-flops and summer tans may be long gone, but that ugly toenail fungus is still with you. You may have thought the frosty temperatures of winter would help resolve it, but unfortunately, toenail fungus won’t go away on its own. Toenail fungus can even worsen in winter from being overheated in fuzzy socks and warm boots. 

Think you have toenail fungus and aren’t sure where to start? Here are some tips from Errol Gindi, DPM to help you get rid of that toenail fungus just in time for the holidays.

What to look for

Toenail fungus begins as a small white or yellow dot towards the tip of your nail. Once it evolves, it may change your toenail to a yellowish color or cause your nail to grow in thicker. Sometimes it causes your nails to look warped or grow in uneven shapes. Some types are painful, while others may separate your nail from its bed.

The fungus usually spreads through breaks in your nail or skin cuts. Your feet make an ideal breeding ground for fungus since they’re often moist from being kept in shoes. It’s important to get treatment for toenail fungus before it spreads to other toenails, skin, and fingernails.

Treatment options

If you think you may have a toenail fungus, the first step is to meet with Dr. Gindi. He takes a look at your toenail to assess the fungus type, and may even take a sample to send to a lab. 

Depending on the type of fungus, Dr. Gindi comes up with a treatment plan to eliminate the fungus in the quickest time possible. This can be done through an oral drug, nail lacquer, or laser treatment. 

Preventing toenail fungus

Although toenail fungus won’t go away on its own, you can prevent it from starting. Keep your feet clean and wash them with soap and water daily. Always remember to dry your feet thoroughly after bathing, and change your socks if they feel damp. Wear proper-fitting shoes and socks that give your feet proper ventilation.

Keep your toenails short and cut them straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Make sure to wash your nail clippers and files with warm water and soap to prevent bacteria from spreading. Let your toenails breathe and don’t cover them up with nail polish, especially if you suspect you have toenail fungus. 

Get rid of toenail fungus today

It’s easy to ignore the health of your feet since they’re often hidden beneath socks and shoes. Your feet hold up the weight of your body and allow you to walk everywhere you go. Your feet have a big job, so it’s important to give them the attention they deserve.

Get rid of your toenail fungus today. That way, you can spend the holidays (fungus-free) with your family and friends. Call our office in Valley Stream, New York, at 516-200-4285 or book your appointment online.

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